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ERROR #404: File Not Found! – Importance of Organizing your Documents

ERROR #404: File Not Found! – Importance of Organizing your Documents

Organizing your documents could seem tedious at first. Until you realize the benefits it has. What is the one common thing about everything that our modern day lives revolve around; be it seeking rental accommodation, admissions into university, or applying for jobs? It is the several documents that form the proof of our legal and social existence. While they are important for almost everything else, they are especially important during your recruitment process. The process of recruitment is inevitably slowed down because of the time prospective employees usually take to produce the required documents. This time can be very easily conserved, and hence help speed up the process of recruitment, and also the efficiency of the same. What are the documents that you need to keep handy? And what are the ways which will help you access them whenever you need to, no matter where you are? Here are three simple and comprehensive steps to help you get this right.

Step 1 of Organizing Your Documents: The Must Haves

The documents that you would absolutely need to keep handy are:
1. Your birth certificate
2. Your Permanent Account Number (PAN) Card (India) and Tax Returns
3. Your Voters ID/Aadhar Card (India)
4. Your Bank details (Passbook/Cheque book/Account Statements)
5. Your current Identity card (student/employee)
6. Your 10th, 12th, and College/Degree mark sheets AND pass certificates
7. Your Passport
8. Proof of Residence – Electricity bill/ rental agreement.
9. Certificates or letters to support anything you may have mentioned on your recent resume (internships, previous work experience, volunteering experiences, competitions/contests)
10. A bunch of passport and stamp sized photographs

Step 2 of Organizing Your Documents: Print and Scan

It is not advisable to keep originals of most of these documents with you. It is much safer to have them kept at your permanent residence, or any other place of safety. As a viable alternative, scans and copies of these documents are widely accepted. Scan each of these documents to always have a soft copy with you. Apart from scanning them, make photocopies (preferably color where required) of the same to keep ready when required.

Step 3 of Organizing Your Documents: Access

The most important part of doing this exercise to make you have access to any or all of the above documents whenever and wherever you may need them. Keep the hard copies in a separate folder after labeling it appropriately. Apart from ensuring you have access to the tangible copies, make sure soft copies of all these documents are accessible to you virtually. The best way to go about it is to store it in multiple places. Make a folder on desktop, copy them onto your pen drive and your hard drive, upload them on to your Google drive and also email them to yourself. That way, you have access to them in every possible scenario.

You might think, you don’t even need to go through the effort of organizing your documents right away. Even if you cannot foresee a situation which will require you to access these documents in the near future, it is advisable to do this exercise nonetheless. In fact, the best time to do it is when there is no pressure. This helps you organize in an even better way. We’ve tried our best to make this list as comprehensive as possible. What is something you would add to this list, to make it even more comprehensive? Comment below!
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Navigating a Career Crossroad – 5 Things No One Tells Us

Navigating a Career Crossroad – 5 Things No One Tells Us

To be at a career crossroad, no matter at what stage of your career you are in, can be a truly unsettling feeling. To say that it is only normal for you to feel anxious and scared, might sound like we are belittling what you feel, but we only say so because we’ve been where you are. And though it may not seem so at the moment, it always passes. You may find a lot of advice coming your way, some solicited, but mostly unsolicited, and not know how to filter all of it. The purpose of this post is not to impose more advice on you, but to share with you things we wish someone had told us, which would surely have made navigating the career crossroad easy.

  1. It is alright to change your mind

    At times, we may think we want something, but along comes something else which we feel we may like better. During times like this, what we are usually told is to focus single mindedly on what we first looked forward to, and that changing your mind about a career option is not a wise move, but a fickle one. We would say, if you have thought it through and if there are other things that drive you more than what you initially were about to settle for, go for it.

  1. It is alright to not know what you want

    It is a typically Indian problem to have no say in what education we want to pursue, and hence what career we aspire to have. Crucial factors such as these are quite unfortunately socially determined. To realize that you do not know what you want, is one step towards progress. It is a step towards the fact that you are questioning the roles you are ‘expected’ to fill in. To not know what you want, is the first step towards finding out what you want.

  1. It is alright for you to take a break

    Taking a break at any point of time during your education, or your career, is almost considered a taboo in the Indian context, since it works against the established flow of the rat race we have all been a part of. Remember that taking a break only helps you think through things with more clarity and to truly discover what your calling is. And once you have discovered that, think about the “how” – remember that wisdom – a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step ? Use the time to break down your journey to  the stepping-stones you need to take to reach your calling.

  1. It is alright for you to not listen to anyone

    Like we said, most of the advice that would come your way during a career crossroad is unsolicited. You have every right to hear them but choose to not listen. Talking helps, sure, but choose the people talking to who calms you and makes you think clearly, instead of people who make you more anxious. This is where you need to open your Rolodex and get in touch with your team of trusted career advisors.

  1. It is alright for you to believe in your plan, even if no one else does

    At times, it becomes tough to even find a single person who believes in your plans for yourself.

    Even though they may love you, they may not have confidence in your plans, which will only pull you down. However, if you have thought it through and are sure about what you want (even if not 100%), put on blinkers and charge on. Go, make something happen!

Knowing these five things can truly make a difference to your stress levels when you are at a career crossroad – to care much less, and focus only on what is ahead of you, or on the goal you want to achieve. Telling yourself these five things every morning will help you shut out distractions and just stick to your plan of action, or if you don’t have one, it will help you come up with one! Remember that it is all a part of the game, and in retrospect, you will understand and appreciate how much you have learnt and grown in the process.

Applying for your first job? 5 Must-Dos to Triumph

Applying for your first job? 5 Must-Dos to Triumph

Applying for your first job is exciting, scary, intimidating, and stressful – all at the same time. You feel like ‘it’s now or never’ and that you need to secure a job at any cost! A first job will always be special, and one never forgets the entire process one goes through, prior to it. At any rate, it is important to start off with the right foot, and here are the 5 must-dos we think will ensure that you start right and help you triumph during this phase ! Once you’ve started right, half your work is done!

1. Applying for your first job : Prepare –

It’s mandatory to repeat the cliché about how there is no shortcut to success, here, because it’s actually true. Be thorough in your preparation– starting from your resume to your outfit for the interviews. Make a detailed list of all the organizations you want to apply to. State your reasons alongside the name of the organization, this gives the process a sense of purpose. Be methodical and arrange all the contact information. Find out if references will be required, it is always wise to keep one or two handy anyway. Set up a LinkedIn profile (and here’s why you must).

2. Applying for your first job :  Reach out to People you Trust –

Talk to people who have been in your situation before, and whose experience and knowledge you respect. Share your doubts and your concerns which you will most certainly experience this phase. Keep your eyes, ears and your mind open, listen to everything that comes your way. At the same time, sift the information so that you don’t end up getting confused and start panicking.

3. Applying for your first job : Choose Wisely –

Ask yourself what motivates you. Remember that ultimately, it is you who has to get up and go for work in the morning. Being stuck in an unhappy profession, more so, beginning with an unhappy profession is something that could really pull you down. So, like we said before, listen to everyone but choose only what you know is guided by your passion.

4. Applying for your first job : Know your own Worth

It may be true that you are an entry level professional, however, that shouldn’t leave you with a lack of bargaining power. Assess your skills and any past experience you may have gathered which will be relevant for the job you are applying to. Remember that we all invest in our careers, and many times are guided by the logic of doing things that will ‘give us an edge over others’. This is the time when you should take stock of everything and value yourself accordingly.

5. Applying for your first job : Be Professional

Adhere to timelines and any other specifications the organizations may have issued. Once you have completed an application, be patient and allow enough time before following up. If you’ve received an offer and have made up your mind to not go ahead, do let them know instead of keeping them waiting unnecessarily. After every round, sending in a polite thank you email, is a good way to go. Respect the organization’s time and also the fact that there could be other people who want the job, accept an offer only if you are sure to hold good on it!

Lastly, keep calm and keep reminding yourself that after all, it is only a job. Remember to eat and drink healthy and get plenty of fresh air. We understand how applying for your first job can be especially stressful, but do remember that it’s a phase where you need to get your best game to the table. What will truly make a difference is how calmly you are able to handle this. Again, we know it’s easier said than done, but we also know it’s not impossible and keeping all the above must-dos in mind will definitely help!

Declining a Job Offer after Accepting it ? 5 Reminders

Declining a Job Offer after Accepting it ? 5 Reminders

So what do you do when you’ve gone through the long process of recruitment, negotiation and securing an offer, only to want to reject it? Is it acceptable? In most scenarios, declining a job offer after accepting it is just NOT acceptable. You have had several chances to not go ahead with the recruitment process in the initial stages itself. Your potential employer has selected you after screening scores of eligible candidates. This means he/she expects you to join and already has a plan ready for you. Investments, financial investments included, have been made to accommodate you and in all probability some reshuffling has also been done. However, if your reasons are truly genuine, declining an offer the right way is important. It is not just a matter of courtesy. It is also an opportunity to build your personal brand as a professional and to turn a potentially negative situation into a positive one.

This is something we experience quite often through our clients – both employers and potential employees. Keeping that in mind, we have put together five reminders for you to must-do while declining a job offer you have already accepted.

1. Declining a Job Offer – Do it ASAP:

If you have made up your mind about not taking up the job, communicate it immediately. The obligation of you keeping your word only increases with the increase in time lapse. As you get closer to your joining date, the preparations to accommodate you and to build you into the team become more resource intensive. By communicating your decision as soon as possible, you will spare the organization a lot of time, effort and resources. The best way to do this is to meet in person, or over a phone call followed by a formal email. Do not leave it at simply drafting an email. It may come across as unprofessional and insensitive, no matter what words you choose to write your email with.

2. Declining a Job Offer – State the Reason carefully:

You need to be honest, yet tactful while stating your reason for rejecting the offer after having accepted it. Communicate your reason professionally and politely. Make it more about yourself and your career goals/personal limitations than about your new prospective employer or the organization. Keep it short, keep it simple. In case there are unavoidable personal reasons for your decision, explain them to your recruiter. And it is worth repeating – be honest.

3. Declining a Job Offer – Apologize Sincerely:

The only way you will actually get around to making an apology you mean, is if you really do mean it. To be able to intend it, you need to understand that a lot of effort had been put in, which is now going to amount to naught. Let them know how sincerely sorry you are for having wasted their time and for the fact that you had to take this unfortunately unprofessional step.

4. Declining a Job Offer – Express Gratitude:

Thank your recruiter for his/her time, for giving you the opportunity that you had been looking for, even though you were not able to follow it through. Let them know that while making this decision of declining an offer has been really hard, you sincerely appreciate the time and effort that they have spent for you. Be gracious.

5. Declining a Job Offer – Don’t burn your Bridges:

Remember that it is a small world that is getting smaller everyday. It is very likely that the people that you are interacting with for a job offer that you don’t want today may hold the key to a job offer that you desperately want tomorrow. Make the effort to keep in touch. Use this as an opportunity to network. Connect with them on social media. Stay engaged and be helpful. You could even refer someone you know who may be a fit for the job to the hiring manager. By demonstrating that you do value the relationship and are willing to do what you can to help, you are keeping the door open for possibilities in the future.

Turning down job offers after accepting them is usually considered unethical and unprofessional, however, there could well be a host of reasons and circumstances owing to which this move would be inevitable for you. If you have to decline the job offer, do it with respect.  Paying heed to these five things will surely help you get through the situation more smoothly than you expected.

Asking for a Raise – 5 Strategies that Will Help You

Asking for a Raise – 5 Strategies that Will Help You

It is that time of the year when performance review requests come calling for many. Forms will be filled, review meetings with managers scheduled, and sometimes tough and sometimes happy conversations will take place. Raises may or may not get discussed depending on many factors – company performance, your performance, your manager’s approach, a little bit of this and a little bit of that. One thing is for sure – when you feel you deserve a raise, sometimes the only way you can get it is by – yes, asking for a raise.

And that’s the tricky part, how do you start the conversation and how do you decide the content of the conversation? Well, the good news is, even though you may feel you are absolutely unprepared, and feel intimidated regarding the possible reactions from the other end, rest assured that while this may be the first time you are asking for a raise, it is definitely not the first time your employer is being asked for one! People have surely been in your place before and have been able to deal with it. The first thing you must remember is, it is always better to have a one-on-one conversation regarding matters such as these, rather than any form of virtual communication. Request for a meeting through an email while stating the purpose briefly, and asking for a convenient time for the meeting. Once you’ve done that, here are the five strategies that will help you guide your conversation in asking for a raise you deserve successfully!

Asking for a raise strategy #1 : Know how you much you are worth –

The only way you will be able to sell yourself is, Asking for a raise if you have a strong sense of how much you are worth and deserve. Weigh and assess your skills and your achievements. Make notes about the skills you have picked up while on the job and analyze your own career graph yourself. Factor in any investments you may have made in order to enhance your skill set, and how it has benefited the organization you work for. As we cited in our earlier post on salary negotiation – conduct a personal SWOT (Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats) analysis to understand your differentiators and the special skills or experiences that make you a more valuable employee. Ensure you have these differentiators written down, as this information can then be used as leverage to a raise. Before you arrive at a conclusion, let your thoughts be known to a trusted colleague or friend, who has a sense of the situation you are in, to be able to get a second  opinion.


Asking for a raise strategy #2 : Know how much your job is worth –

Keep a reality check on your expectations. Gather some understanding of the domain you work in, and the standard pay ranges in your company and outside. Do not compare your pay structure, to a friend’s pay structure who is from a completely different domain, even if you may have the same years of experience. For example, a job in the social development sector, may not pay you as much as say a job in a corporate MNC. Have practical and realistic expectations. At the same time, know that you mustn’t sell yourself cheap. Once you have a sense of how much your job is worth, and the work and effort you as an individual put into the role you have been trusted with, arrive at a sensible number.

Asking for a raise strategy #3 : Research the company’s pay practices –

It is important to do this so as to not end up being disappointed. In case your organization does not have the budget, you will notice that your colleagues have gone down the same trajectory, and have been denied a raise. However, in case that is not the case, having a sense of the percentages of appreciation/hikes will help you against undervaluing yourself or overstating your expectations.

Asking for a raise strategy #4 : If not a raise, negotiate for a bonus or more perks –

If your employer acknowledges your case for a raise, but has his/her own valid reasons for not being able to process it right away, have a plan B ready. Ask for other bonuses in the form of more paid leaves, increment in your TA or DA, or any other incentives your organization may be able to offer you.  We have some good tips on negotiating bonuses and perks in our post : Salary Negotiation Tips – Talking Numbers – Part II.

Asking for a raise strategy #5 : Timing is key yet don’t delay –

May be we don’t need to really illustrate this point. You do know that asking your boss for a raise when he/she is in a bad mood isn’t really the best idea. Or asking for it when a big project is just about to be rolled out and your request comes across as a threat. Wait for a time when things are comparatively smooth and the annual/bi-annual performance reviews (if your company has these) are not finished. Then your request for a raise has greater chances of being entertained. Yes timing is key, however, waiting forever won’t get you that raise! Overthinking this will only get you more confused. If you know you deserve a raise, go ahead and ask for it!

These conversations can often go awry if not initiated in the proper manner. They do qualify as sensitive conversations. We are not saying this to you to intimidate you, but to tell you that it is important to follow direct channels of communication for these conversations and strictly avoid any via media pattern, the lesser the chaos, the better your chances. Also remember to follow up with the details of the conversation through an email, so that there is an official acknowledgement of the conversation and conclusions that followed the conversation. All the best!

Job Seekers: Inspiration Alert! 15 Job Hunting Quotes from The Best

Job Seekers: Inspiration Alert! 15 Job Hunting Quotes from The Best

Being in a limbo in one’s career can be truly frustrating, specially when you’ve been hunting for the perfect job but still haven’t been able to bag it. Even the best of us can’t help feeling dejected at times, during the overwhelming process of searching for a job. Some of us have mentors and friends guiding us through the process, egging us on and motivating us to keep going, while some of us are more solitary during this trying phase. Either way, sometimes simple words or images of motivation we ‘stumble upon’ make a big difference. It feels as though the universe is signaling us to keep going, and that the perfect job is just round the corner. It could be some odd graffiti we read on the streets, or the day’s horoscope being conducive to job hunt for the day, or a beautiful Calvin and Hobbes comic strip speaking to you in today’s newspaper, or some beautiful job hunting quotes that give you your very own eureka moment. As Paulo Coelho says in the Alchemist – We warriors of light must be prepared to have patience in difficult times and to know the Universe is conspiring in our favor, even though we may not understand how. We hope this post has the intended effect of helping you believe that good things are coming your way, that if you are trying hard enough for the perfect job, you will get it!

Here are 15 job hunting quotes from the best – that will motivate you to keep calm and carry on with your job hunt! Buckle up for some inspiration!

1. “People who are unable to motivate themselves must be content with mediocrity, no matter how impressive their other talents.” –Andrew Carnegie

2. “Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.”–Norman Vincent Peale


3. “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”–Wayne Gretzky

4. “Don’t be afraid to fail. Don’t waste energy trying to cover up failure. Learn from your failures and go on to the next challenge. It’s OK to fail. If you’re not failing, you’re not growing.” –H. Stanley Judd

5. “If a man is called to be a streetsweeper, he should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music, or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say, here lived a great streetsweeper who did his job well”. —Martin Luther King

6. “Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.” — Calvin Coolidge

7. “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” – C. S. Lewis


8. “Your value doesn’t decrease based on someone’s inability to see your worth.” — Unknown

9. “Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” – Steve Jobs

10. “Successful business people don’t get ahead by wishing they had someone else’s job title, corner office, company car, or market share. They get ahead the mundane way, by doing more and doing it better. Envy is a monster with a gluttonous appetite. And it’s never satisfied. Pursue your goals, not someone else’s goals.” – James Dale

11. “If opportunity doesn’t knock, then build a door”. – Milton Berle

12. “When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.” –Alexander Graham Bell

13. “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.” –Maya Angelou

14. “Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great ones make you feel that you too can become great.” – Mark Twain

15. “One important key to success is self-confidence. An important key to self-confidence is preparation.” –Arthur Ashe

While we understand that it is always easier said than done, it is important to not let the pressure or anxiety get to you. The more anxious and nervous you become, the more hasty your decisions are. That’s one thing you don’t want to be while job hunting – ‘hasty’. The key to a successful job hunt is to never give up and to keep trying, because like Katharine Whitehorn says, “find out what you like doing best, and get someone to pay you for it.” And until you’ve done that, don’t stop – just keep calm and keep job searching!

Did you enjoy reading our collection of job hunting quotes ? Which one reached out to you the most ? We would love to hear back from you.  And don’t forget to like and share – as we keep saying, everybody needs a little inspiration now and then to keep going!