In our previous post, we spoke about what the five most important questions are that you must ask your prospective employer before accepting a job offer. In this post, we talk about the more important bit – the five questions you need to ask yourself  before accepting the offer.

Do I really want this job?

Answer the question in all sincerity and honesty. Understand what the profile expects of you and if you will be able to deliver. Go through the job description again and check if this was what you had signed up for. Once you receive the job offer, it is important to understand if you are taking up the job because you need  it or you want  it. Of course, we all need to earn money. That in itself though, may not sustain as motivation enough in the long run. Analyze what your motivation is for taking up the job and whether it is going to be sustainable in the long run.

Am I getting what I deserve (in terms of salary and benefits)?

The pay package you receive can sometimes be the only thing to pull you out of bed on groggy Monday mornings. While the negotiation ideally should have been done before you received an offer, make sure you do not settle for less than what you think is a fair deal. Also, it must be a package. Consider the additional benefits that you should be receiving like transport, accommodation benefits, and tuition reimbursement should you decide on further education. You may also compare the package you are receiving to that of friends or colleagues holding similar positions.

Can I grow here?

This question will be your moment of truth. For a healthy career graph, the job offer should give you scope to grow in terms of responsibilities as well as financially. Ask yourself if the job will provide you sufficient opportunities to grow and learn as an individual and professionally. It should also be an opportunity that makes use of your talent and skills, only then will you truly enjoy what you do.

Do I see myself blending into the work culture here?

You must realize that you would be spending about eight hours, if not more, on an average per day at your chosen work place. Give the work environment and culture some serious thought before committing. If possible, also try to meet and interact with your future co-workers, especially if you are going to be working as a part of a team. A lot of times, this may not be possible practically.

A good way to go about it through the official route, would be connecting friends or acquaintances working in the company informally. However, your informal interaction must be strictly in a professional manner. It should not affect your reputation or career if you go ahead and join. Virtual spaces like Quora, Glassdoor and LinkedIn are your safest bet, to give you an idea about how happy employees at the given organization are, and what their views are regarding the work culture there.

Will I be able to maintain the work-life balance?

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. If the job schedule is so tough that it will keep your nose to the grindstone, you will get frustrated with it very soon. “Me time” is more important than we give it credit for. Ask yourself if your work life will complement your personal life and whether it will allow you enough breathing space. Whether the work hours be flexible? If you will get enough paid leaves? And if you will have enough time to enjoy a fulfilling personal life? Do you think you will look forward to Monday mornings? (Well, said no (wo)man “yes” ever!)

So before you say yes to a job offer, weigh the pros and cons very carefully to arrive at a decision. Spending some time introspecting about how you actually feel about taking up the offer is something worth doing especially if this is something you have been looking forward to for some time now.

In short, look before you leap!

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