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Chase Away Them Monday Blues! – Ten Inspiring Quotes by our Favourite Famous People

Chase Away Them Monday Blues! – Ten Inspiring Quotes by our Favourite Famous People

We’ve all had that feeling first thing Monday morning, wondering where the weekend has gone and how it can already be the start of the working week. The infamous Monday Blues, that dreaded feeling that the working week has just started and it’s the longest possible point until the start of the weekend again. Fortunately, it’s not all bad – before you know it we will be at Friday again! But until that blessed day arrives and you need  some inspiration at this very moment, then do check out this blog.

Here is our list of top 10 inspirational quotes (arranged in no particular order) to help get you motivated on even the dullest of Monday mornings. Please feel free to comment, like and share to help others suffering with the Monday Blues!

INSPIRATIONAL QUOTE #1: Rise up and attack the day with enthusiasm!

“Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory.” – George S. Patton

INSPIRATIONAL QUOTE #2: It’s a day to start something new, a day full of hope.

“With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

INSPIRATIONAL QUOTE #3: Keep the faith and you’ll see the magic.

“Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” – Theodore Roosevelt

INSPIRATIONAL QUOTE #4: Monday opens up the week for many opportunities.

“What you do today can improve all your tomorrows.” – Ralph Marston

INSPIRATIONAL QUOTE #5: It’s a day meant for winning, not quitting.

“If you believe in yourself and have dedication and pride – and never quit, you’ll be a winner. The price of victory is high but so are the rewards.” – Paul Bryant

INSPIRATIONAL QUOTE #6: It’s an opportunity to become a better version of yourself.

“Don’t wish it were easier. Wish you were better.”– Jim Rohn

INSPIRATIONAL QUOTE #7: It’s a step towards turning your dreams into a reality.

“A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work.” – Colin Powell

INSPIRATIONAL QUOTE #8: It’s a fresh start, embrace it.

“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” – Arthur Ashe

INSPIRATIONAL QUOTE #9: That’s right, keep going and you’ll score big!

“Don’t watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going.” – Sam Levenson

INSPIRATIONAL QUOTE #10: Monday is not a doomsday, you will be alive to see Tuesday!

“Never complain and never explain.” – Benjamin Disraeli

We get it, Monday blues are the worst! The dreadful 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. routine begins again and there are times when even a cup of your favorite extra strong cappuccino fails to create it’s magic! On such gloomy days, it may seem as though inspiration is miles away. But we’ll let you in on a little secret, inspiration is never miles away, it is always right there. All we need to do is to push ourselves to reach out and as our motto is in OBOlinx – Be Happy in The Now!

And we hope if today is one of those monotonous and uninspiring days for you, then this post comes in handy. Let us know which one of these is your favorite and if we’ve missed out on any other amazing quotes.

Planning the Perfect Gap Year – Part 1

Planning the Perfect Gap Year – Part 1

At last! The day for you to submit your final examination paper arrives. The years of piling on honors and extra classes, tutors, test preparations, community-service projects, and other extracurricular activities are now going to be behind you. While on one hand your classmates are preparing to crack the college admissions, you on the other hand have decided to take a year off. Bravo! A million questions must be swirling in your head at this very moment. “What do I do during a gap year?”, “How do I fund it?”, “Where can I stay?” and so on. While planning a Gap Year might seem like a daunting process, we are here to tell you that it really isn’t that difficult! Given below is a checklist we have created in order to help you plan your perfect Gap Year. If you can tick all the points, then you are ready to go!


There have been many cases where students at the end of their gap year simply find that they didn’t get the experience they were hoping for. Not having clarity about “Why do they need to take a gap year and what do they hope to achieve?”, is one of the chief reasons.

While a gap year is about recharging your batteries, it is also an opportunity to learn and grow in ways that will prepare you for a meaningful and fulfilling life. According to Ethan Knight, executive director of American Gap Association, “ A student might not be a good fit if he or she doesn’t have a clear plan of learning or enrichment activities during the time off, or doesn’t feel that they are academically burnt out and are looking forward to classes.” Therefore for a gap year to benefit, it is very important for you to have a clear understanding of what is driving you to take a year off as this will help you set realistic goals.

Determining the right gap year plan starts with identifying and introspecting on some burning questions that matter. Below is a list of some important questions we strongly recommend you to ponder over.

a) Why do I need to take a year off?

b) Will it benefit me in anyway?

c) In what ways do I need to learn and grow to take full advantage of college or work place?

d) What types of experiences and support will help ensure this growth?

Asking such questions will not only help you narrow down your needs and interests, but also give you a clarity on whether a gap year is the best fit for you or not.


Once you have a better understanding of your needs, interests and the goals you have set for yourself, it is absolutely essential to create a structured plan around them. The first step towards creating a plan of action is to identify the type of gap year you’re most inclined to. Broadly speaking, there are 4 types of gap years: –


A gap year is a good time to get a foot on the ladder of your future career path. Depending on what industry or sector you wish to work in, there are well established internship programs and jobs that can give you a taste of working in that sector.

While you might groan at the thought of working during a gap year, but there are many advantages that will make you see a working gap year in a different light. Not only does it help you discern exactly what types of work you would and wouldn’t like, but often it can expose you to a whole range of career options you never even knew existed. In addition to that, it also helps you earn some money, gain skills and experience and build up a network of contacts. If you choose to combine a working gap year with some travel, you’ll get to experience working in different locations, often in multicultural teams and using language skills, giving you a deeper insight into the local culture than you’d get when simply travelling through.

Also, having a productively spent gap year on your personal statement or CV can be a great way of distinguishing yourself from the crowd, as long as you can show what you gained from the time.

Does it sound convincing enough?


Spending the year volunteering is one of the best ways in which you give back to the society. It helps increase your sense of community, give cultural exposure, make new friends and help you build a network of contacts which may later lead to an offer of a permanent job!

Volunteering roles are available in registered charities, foreign-aid projects, not for-profit organizations, governments, and other organizations. Typical roles include administration, finance, fundraising, event organizing, care work and many more.

If you want to volunteer and travel places, there are lots of international volunteering placement schemes which offer short placements (from a week up to a year) across a range of career sectors. This way you can help around the world with all kinds of initiatives. All you’ll need to do is some research and you’ll be all set!


Whether it be the mystics of the far-east, the exotics of southeast Asia, the thrills of Australia, the culture of Latin America, the fun of North America or the history of Europe that calls you there are loads of great things to see and do in every corner of the world.

Students either travel around the world or locally during a gap year. This can be very rewarding as it helps them to unwind, teaches them to be independent, soak up rich cultures and broaden their horizons, widen their social and professional circle, and if lucky helps secure permanent jobs too!

So, are you ready to travel the world?


Imagine being able to study what you desire without the pressure of tests and assignment deadlines hanging over your head. What if you could learn in a brand new environment which doesn’t even remotely resemble the four walls of a classroom? Sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it?

Studying during a gap year will allow you to take a year out before university or work while still continuing to further your education. Today, many colleges and training centers offer courses suitable for gap year students which help develop key skills such as office, IT and business skills, or gain extra skills and knowledge in fields such as languages, art, music, drama, sports or conservation.

There are several options for studying abroad or in a different location to where you are usually based. You can take a short-term summer program, or apply for a position in an exchange program that specializes in study opportunities abroad and so much more!
Now that you have identified which type of gap year you belong to it is important for you to:

i) Select the places where you’d like to spend your gap year, and

ii) Figure out how much time is available on your hands.

Narrowing down the places will depend on a number of factors such as, accessibility, safety, whether the place caters to your learning needs and so on. As for the duration of your gap year, that will depend on what your learning needs are, how long can you finance your gap year etc.


It is no secret that funding a gap year can take a toll on your parent’s bank accounts as it includes many costs. These include travel costs, living expenses, visas/work permits, driving permits, insurance, internet and mobile phone costs and health expenses!
This was probably the biggest reason why it took your parents some time to wrap their heads around the idea of a gap year!

While planning how to raise funds is a crucial step and a laborious process, it is not unattainable. Once you have figured out your final costing, you can right away start raising funds!

Given below are some ideas which will help you in that process and turn your gap year into a reality.

a) Work before you go.

b) Work during the gap year; either in one place or while travelling.

c) Fundraise through sponsored events and activities.

d) Ask your family and friends to donate. Perhaps instead of birthday gifts you could ask them to donate or pay for completing the chores.

e) Sell some of your unwanted items online.

f) Apply for a grant or a loan from government/federal funding bodies, charities and grant-making trusts.

While these can be carried out anywhere around the world, there are some Universities in United States, like Princeton,  and Tufts University  that have begun to subsidize gap years for incoming students. Also, there are a number of low costing programs such as AmeriCorps,  City Year  or WWOOF-USA  which pay for room and food arrangements.
If until now you’ve been able to satisfactorily tick every point off this checklist, then there is just one last and final thing for you to do. Touch base with your potential contacts living in the areas you are about to visit or work, arrange your stay and book the travel tickets in advance. This way you will not leave anything for the last-minute and won’t get hassled when the day finally arrives!

We understand that it is not just the pressure of planning a gap year that can be tough. Convincing your parents and yourself is a major part of the process. We hope that once you are able to cross that milestone, this blog will help you in planning your gap year to the very last detail.

Gap Year(s) and Why They’re Trending

Gap Year(s) and Why They’re Trending

When Malia Obama decided to take a gap year before starting college at Harvard, it made the world sit up and notice. The news spread like wildfire, not just because one of the Obama’s’ was involved but also because the concept of a gap year had captured the imagination of the public. A number of questions arose, “ What is a gap year?”, “Why do students need a gap year?”, “What do students do during a gap year?” and so on.

In very simple terms, a gap year is an experiential semester or year “on,” typically taken between high school and college or after college in order to deepen practical, professional, and personal awareness.

Despite the financial challenges and stigma surrounding a gap year, it has many benefits to offer. Universities today have understood this and as a result they not only accept applicants who have taken gap years but also actively encourage admitted students to defer enrollment for one year to travel or pursue a special project or activity. According to study abroad organization CIEE, Harvard College alone has seen a 33 percent increase in the number of their incoming students taking gap years!

If you’re a student mulling over the idea of taking a gap year and are wondering if it is worth the effort, then do give this blog a read! Given below are the reasons we think why a gap year will do wonders for your personal and professional growth.


Personal Growth

1.Keeps you from Burning Out

One of the most promising articles on this subject, “Time Out or Burn Out for the Next Generation”  by William Fitzsimmons, Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid, Harvard College describes how pressuring K-12 schooling has become and notes how training for college scholarships or professional contracts begins early, even in grammar school. He further wrote,“Faced with the fast pace of growing up today, some students are clearly distressed, engaging in binge drinking and other self-destructive behaviors. It is common to encounter even the most successful students, who have won all the “prizes,” stepping back and wondering if it was all worth it.”

In fact according to an article by Wall Street Journal,  “Burnout from the competitive pressures of high school is one of the top two reasons why students take a gap year.”

If you also face the heat and pressure of your school or college, a gap year could be a fantastic way to recharge your batteries. It is a chance for students to take a breath and do something that doesn’t require them to ask, ‘How will this look on my college application? As a result, rather than losing motivation or study-skills, you come back refreshed and rejuvenated. Data by American Gap Association  which states, “Taking a 1-year break between high school and university allows motivation for and interest in study to be renewed” supports this claim.

2. A Better Sense of Self

An article by Wall Street Journal stated, “ Apart from the burnout, the desire to find out more about oneself is another top reason for taking a gap year.” A gap year will enable you to achieve this in three ways. One, taking a gap year essentially means taking time off from a hectic life of final examinations, preparing for college interviews or achieving professional deadlines. It allows you to take a step back and introspect. Gives you the time to understand yourself, your skills and interest. Challenging yourself while on a gap year is another way . You might decide to go trekking through a jungle, climb a mountain for charity or volunteer in a developing country. These challenges push you out of your comfort zone, make you face your fears, enjoy new experiences and in the process help you discover yourself. Finally, a gap year allows you a unique opportunity to broaden your view of the world.

According to an article by Joe O’ Shea, director of Florida State University’s Office of Undergraduate Research , “We often develop most when our understandings of ourselves and the world around us are challenged, when we engage with people and ideas that are different. Trying to occupy another’s way of life in a different culture — living with a new family, speaking the language, integrating into a community, perhaps working with local youth, for instance are valuable experiences that help young people understand themselves, develop empathy and virtue, and expand their capacity to see the world from others’ perspectives.”

Professional Growth

1. More Clarity about What to Pursue Next

You might have observed your friends or classmates committing themselves to one area of study, and when they realize it’s not for them, they swap to a completely different major. By doing so not only do they lose out precious time but it also increases the financial burden. If you are in the same boat, then a gap year will do you no harm. In fact it will allow you to put things into perspective and make you more certain of the major you want to pursue.

According to Joe O’ Shea, “Many students overseas who take gap years in between colleges end up changing their intended major after returning as their gap year experiences enrich their courses, strengthen co-curricular endeavors, and animate undergraduate research and creative projects. Therefore taking that crucial time off can help give them the direction they need to confidently choose a major, and ultimately, a career they’re passionate about.”

2. Improved Performance in College

Who doesn’t want good grades and shining comments from the professors? Even the“backbenchers” secretly desire it, whether they accept it or not! Attending classes and studying hard is surely one tried and tested way of doing it, however it is not always a success. Sometimes taking a long break from studying can work wonders for your academic performance.

Robert Clagett, who served as a senior admissions officer at Harvard and is also the former dean of admissions at Middlebury College,recently designed a methodology to track gap year students’ over/underperformance of GPA. He found that students who took a gap year almost always outperformed academically in college as they are relax, rejuvenated and as a result more involved in the campus. Most importantly, the positive effect of taking a gap year was demonstrated to persist throughout the college years.

3. Develop Useful Contacts

Taking a gap year will not only help you forge some lifelong friendships, but also give you an opportunity to build your professional network. Throughout your journey you will meet a range of different people from all walks of life who will either provide you with job opportunities or with references at some point in the future.

4. Gain Relevant Work Experience and Skills for Securing Employment

A gap year doesn’t just allow you to relax, travel around the world or help develop a circle of contacts . It is a powerful medium enabling you to gain skills and experiences that would most certainly help you score your dream job !

According to an article by Institution of Engineering and Technology,  “Past survey commissioned by gapyear.com showed that 85 per cent of HR executives questioned, felt that relevant work experience is more valuable to a job seeker than an average non-vocational degree, and 65 per cent believed that a constructive gap year spent volunteering or gaining work experience overseas made a job application stand out.

From the above data it is very clear that employers are actively encouraging people to take gap years to earn skills and ‘life experience’. Some of the key employability skills gained include organization, communication, teamwork, independence, social skills, decision-making, self-sufficiency, time management, budgeting, using initiative, improved self-confidence, leadership and developed maturity.

It is safe to say that what used to be an experiment earlier is nowadays an informed choice. Gap years aren’t meant for sitting idly and watching re runs of your favourite sitcoms. In order for a gap year to be successful, it is very important for you to first understand, why you are taking a year off? If that is clear then the next step would be to create a plan of action aligned with your interests and learning needs . If you can do this, then a gap year might just turn out to be the unparalleled experience you were hoping for.

How to Do a Career Detox – I

How to Do a Career Detox – I

Career detox – does the phrase sound unfamiliar, almost strange? Well, it is neither. Just like your body needs a detox every now and then, for a better, and healthier you, your career does too.

A study done by Sibson’s Consulting found that Only 30 percent of the study respondents (750 individuals, primarily senior-level human resources (HR) professionals) reported that their employees trust the performance-management system. Given that formal performance appraisals don’t seem to be working as well as they should to give employees their due, one needs to take charge of his/her career and have a self-performance management system in place to ensure career growth and commensurate rewards. Just being good at your work, efficient and cooperative is not enough – it takes more than that to grow and be successful at the workplace today no matter what your job role or level is. [Read more on Strategies to Maximize your Potential and Performance on your Job here].

Getting yourself to do a career detox is like customizing your personal Performance Appraisal system. A career detox is a great career strategy to maximize your potential and performance at your job – no matter which profession you belong to.

But how does one really do a career detox? That is what this post is all about.
You can accomplish a career detox through a series of exercises whose objectives would be to assess and take stock of your career thus far – in terms of what’s working and what’s not, and then you move on to eliminating what’s not working and build on what is working. It also includes incorporating the aspect of mindfulness into your work – which is crucial to be able to do a successful career detox. This aspect we shall speak about in the second part of this post which is to follow.

1. Reclaim Time: Real Work VS Time spent on Social Media

It’s a fairly common frustration – feeling like there isn’t enough time to do it all, to accomplish all the tasks we plan ourselves. To feel as productive as we imagine ourselves to be. The truth is we’ll never be as productive as we are in our imagination. However, we can get quite close to it. One of the main reasons why we are not at our productive best every day is because of the overwhelming distractions we surround ourselves with.

It wouldn’t be too far-fetched to say that we even subject ourselves to these distractions. Namely – Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and the whole, vast kingdom of social media out there which almost thrives on our inability to sustain focus. According to a research by Facebook, which was cited in a NY Times article, an average user spends close to an hour everyday on Facebook. In a week of five working days, that is five hours lost during your working hours. This is just one example of the numerous distractions we are surrounded by.

Reclaim your time by shutting out all these distractions during your working hours, and by just focusing on one task at a time. Before long, you will realize that you are getting real close to being as productive as you are in your imagination!

2. Update your Resume

Your resume should always be something great which is a work in progress. There is always editing to do to your resume to make it better, even if all you do is change the font and the font size. But hey, that makes your resume more legible, doesn’t it?
Go through your resume and have a look at what you need to remove from it, and what you need to add to it. This also gives you scope for a reality check – since your resume after all is a comprehensive report card for your career of sorts. While you are at it, print out three copies to keep them handy – just in case, even if you may not be looking out for jobs. Read here for kick-ass advice on how to create the best resumes ever!

3. Work on Your LinkedIn Profile

Why LinkedIn?
• There are 332 million people on LinkedIn.
• Two new members join every second.
• There are 187 million monthly unique visitors.
• LinkedIn is currently used in over 200 countries and territories. It’s available in 20 languages.
• There are one billion total endorsements on LinkedIn at the moment.
• 59% of LinkedIn members have never worked at a company with more than 200 employees.
• There are over 39 million students and recent graduates on LinkedIn.
• LinkedIn has 17 million users in the UK users, 10 million users in the Middle East, 61 million users in Asia, 28 million users in India, 6 million users in Australia and 6 million users in China.
• 41% of millionaires use LinkedIn.
• 13% of LinkedIn users do not have a Facebook account. Likewise, 83% of users do not have a Pinterest account. 59% are not active on Twitter.

Are you still wondering why LinkedIn? Because it’s LinkedIn and you Must! If you still don’t have a LinkedIn profile, read what we wrote about why it is utterly necessary to have one in the current times. It isn’t enough for you to just create a profile and forget about it. You must use it! That’s the whole point of LinkedIn – to facilitate intensive networking for you.

You might finally land the opportunities you have been looking for if you start networking through LinkedIn. Having a complete and updated LinkedIn profile is an absolute must. You need to pay attention to what kind of photograph you use as your display picture, your professional headline and summary, and recommendations add that extra credibility to your profile. Want to know more about how to improve your LinkedIn profile and impress the world? Read here.

4. Do A Skills Assessment

Doing a skills assessment in regular intervals is a great way to feel good about the skills you possess, and an even better way to understand what skills you need to be working on to become a better professional. There are a few ways you could do this. You could speak to more experienced people in your professional sphere and get an idea about what you should be working on. You could also take one of the many skill assessment tests centered specifically around your career path on the internet. With a bit of research you will surely find a genuine test, for which you might have to pay though. We’d say, if it seems genuine, and is reasonably priced, take it nonetheless.
Apart from specific skills, there are certain generic skills that you absolutely must have – on and off your CV. Have a look at this checklist of Must Have Skills – On and Off your CV.

5. Start a Work Journal

While we’ve done an entire blog post on what a work journal is and how it’s going to help you, which you must definitely read – here, we’ll reiterate how a work journal helps, especially to facilitate a career detox.
• When you journal your work, you never miss an idea – By consciously journaling your professional life, you also tend to become aware about the many amazing ideas you may have about doing what you do in a better, more organized way.
• You are your own mentor – When you can read about your thoughts and understand the logic and rationale behind them, you will effortlessly be able to devise the way forward as well.
• The most efficient way to track your progress – Once you get used to journaling your work, you can see the pattern of highs and lows you experience. A work journal also doubles as a great success/ progress tracker.
A work journal can work wonders for a career detox. If you’ve already been keeping one it’s a great way to assess the details of your career. If you haven’t been keeping one, it’s an even better way to start fleshing out the details of how you envision your career to shape, now on.

Want to know more about how to do a successful career detox? Well we have a lot more to say! Apart from the functional aspects for doing a career detox, there are certain other aspects which focus on a journey of self-development and self-growth – two factors which are essential for any professional to have a truly successful career. Tune in for our next post on career detox and more ways on how to accomplish it.

Practicing the “Miracle of Mindfulness” at Work

Practicing the “Miracle of Mindfulness” at Work

What does being “mindful” mean? Very simply put, it means being aware, being present in the moment. Or like our favorite phrase at OBOlinx, it simply means being “Happy in the Now.” In our endless pursuit for success, and achievement of goals in the world of work, we focus more on achieving the end result, rather than on the journey to get closer to our goals. Being mindful means to invest all our focus in the present moment, and not in the future. Practicing the miracle of mindfulness at work means to realize that it is only when we start moulding ourselves to become more ‘process’ oriented, instead of being ‘result’ oriented that we will succeed in being ‘happy in the now’.

The phrase, ‘Miracle of Mindfulness’ is a book by the Zen Master, and Vietnamese Buddhist monk Thich Naht Hanh. In this book, he speaks about how practicing mindfulness in everything you do can help you truly evolve and grow as a person. We thought it would be worthwhile to adapt the meaning of mindfulness in terms of our professional lives. Hence, this post is an attempt to capture what practicing mindfulness at work might entail.

1. Breathing

Before we aspire to take charge of anything, we must aspire to first take charge of how we breathe. He says in his book, “breath is the bridge which connects life to consciousness, which unites your body to your thoughts.” To utilize our potential fully, in the professional realm, the foremost thing we need to accomplish is to bind our dispersed thoughts together. This is possible only when we are mindful of how we breathe. In our fast paced lives, we are always anywhere else but where we actually are. Our mind is constantly taking flight – which is possible only when we permit it to do so.

By being conscious of our breath we are able to bring our minds back to the immediate task at hand. We have all forgotten how to breathe, these days we breathe to survive and not to live. Begin by practicing mindful breathing for 5 minutes every day, and keep increasing the limit until you teach yourself how to breathe mindfully throughout the day. At work, take frequent 5 minute breaks to do nothing but breathe. And watch the magic of mindfulness unfold.

2. Posture

Mindfulness emerges from your body, as much as it does from your mind and your soul. A prerequisite to practicing mindfulness at work is maintaining good posture. Our posture, especially how we sit while at work influences our productivity beyond an extent we can imagine. For our mind to be alert, aware, and completely at the disposal of the task we sit down to accomplish, our body needs to complement our state of mind. The efficiency and energy with which we pursue our task is determined by the ability of our body to endure it.
In order to be at your productive best, be mindful of your body while at work. Maintain erect posture, take frequent breaks to get up and walk around, and to do a few stretches every now and then. Through this, you will be able to bring your focus back to your task, and control the flow of your thoughts.

3. Being Present

To be present is probably the key to achieving mindfulness, and therefore, could be the hardest thing to achieve. To be present means to be nowhere else, to do nothing else but what the present moment asks of you. Being present means to give your entire being to accomplishing the current task at hand with all your attention, love and care. This beautiful excerpt from the book, “Miracle of Mindfulness”, will illustrate how one can practice being present, and how it guides you to be ‘happy in the now’!

“…we sat under a tree and shared a tangerine. He began to talk about what we would be doing in the future. Whenever we thought about a project that seemed attractive or inspiring, Jim became so immersed in it that he literally forgot about what he was doing in the present. He popped a section of tangerine in his mouth and, before he had begun chewing it, had another slice ready to pop into his mouth again. He was hardly aware he was eating a tangerine. All I (I here refers to Thich Naht Hanh) had to say was, “You ought to eat the tangerine section you have already taken.” Jim was startled into realizing what he was doing. It was as if he hadn’t been eating the tangerine at all. If he had been eating anything, he was “eating” his future plans.”

To be able to be mindful at work, focus more on living in the present and doing only one thing at a time. Pursue it dutifully before moving on to the next task, or before planning for your future. This is the only secret you need to unlock to be happy in the now – embracing the present moment, and being your productive best in each moment.

4. Discipline

This aspect of practicing mindfulness at work is inextricably linked to the previous factor of “being present”. It is only when you live in the moment and for the moment that you gain the strength and the discipline to tether your mind and move single mindedly towards your goals.

To illustrate what this means, Thich Naht Hanh uses the metaphor of washing dishes.

“While washing the dishes one should be completely aware of the fact that one is washing the dishes. At first glance, that might seem a little silly: why put so much stress on a simple thing? But that’s precisely the point. The fact that I am standing there and washing these bowls is a wondrous reality. I’m being completely myself, following my breath, conscious of my thoughts and actions. There’s no way I can be tossed around mindlessly like a bottle slapped here and there on the waves.”

How do we incorporate this metaphor into the world of work? Well, it is simple. Make discipline your motto. And seek discipline in every act you pursue. It could be something seemingly insignificant like filing papers, or something which appears to be more life/career defining like a proposal presentation. No matter what the action is, invest the same amount (i.e., maximum) of discipline into every task you take on.

To Sum it Up

Being mindful is a means and an end at the same time. To practice being mindful at work means to channelize the highest levels of energy within yourself towards a purpose you have chosen for yourself. It could also work in the reverse manner, i.e., being mindful at work could help you realize your true calling and purpose in life. A win-win situation, isn’t it?
Are you still wondering what mindfulness is? To sum everything we’ve said before this, in the words of Thich Nhat Hanh –
“Mindfulness is the miracle by which we master and restore ourselves. It is the miracle which can call back in a flash our dispersed mind and restore it to wholeness so that we can live each minute of life.”
What are your stories of mindfulness at work ? We would love to hear about them!

How to Make Your Way Through Office Politics as an Introvert

How to Make Your Way Through Office Politics as an Introvert

The one occupational hazard you will have to deal with, no matter what your occupation is, is – office politics. Some look forward to it, consciously or subconsciously, as a form of entertainment, while some prefer to stay miles away from it. This post comes as help for those who belong to the second category – the introvert. Being an introvert a lot of times is misconstrued as being someone who is unsocial. Whereas, an introvert is simply a personality type who is more self-reflective, and prefers to mind his/her business thoroughly – while expecting others to not interfere in their lives.

Getting embroiled in office politics, is probably the worst situation an introvert could find himself/herself in. While you take all the caution not to land yourself in these situations, once you find yourself in one, what do you do? You need to understand and know how to deal with office politics, even though you choose not to play the game yourself. Here are three possible ways you could make your way through office politics:

1. Office Politics – Shut it Out

If you don’t mind it doesn’t matter, and at times, ignorance can be bliss. If you believe you have better things to do, and the situation is unnecessarily complicated for you and one that can be sidestepped, move on without feeling overwhelmed. It might affect your peace of mind to some extent since it wasn’t something you had anything to do with, and even so the repercussions seem to be hitting you. That however, is something you can choose to not let affect you. Shut it all out, and focus on channeling all your energies into being your awesome, productive self.

2. Office Politics – Clarify

Then there are the kind of situations, which even if you may ideally want to ignore, you can’t, and shouldn’t. These might be the kind of situations where are a lack of response from you may not exactly work in your favor. The second possible way for you to deal with a sticky situation at your workplace is to clarify your role (or the lack of your role) in the matter which seems to be the cause. Of course, as an introvert, you’d love to withdraw into your shell, (and in this case, your cubicle), but it matters to clarify at times. Just so that things don’t get worse.

3. Office Politics – Take Action

There is no doubt about the fact that there will always be a troublemaker or two, around you. And many a times, people mistake introverts for being a pushover. As an introvert, you might have given off this impression if, for the sake of avoiding trouble, you have relented in the past. However, at no point should anyone be allowed to bully you. Recognize that your rights and your dignity should be firmly secure at your workplace – which means, if you feel like you are being dragged into trouble you don’t belong in – you can and should take a stand. If the situation has turned drastic, you need to rise to the occasion either by acting against it yourself, or, if the situation calls for it – by taking the issue to the management.
Work place politics can be quite stressful, and in the end, nobody has anything to gain from it – apart from unpleasantness and anxiety. As an introvert, it might be quite a nightmare for you to deal with it – but like we said, no matter what occupation you choose, this will be a hazard you might have to deal with sooner or later. In which case, you need to decide which of the above three action plans suit your situation most.

Ever been in a bad situation with regards to office politics at your workplace? Let us know how you dealt with it!