5 Huge Body Language Mistakes That Will Ruin Your Chances At Work
Body Language Mistakes #1 – Avoiding Eye Contact:
When you avoid eye contact, it reflects your lack of confidence. Maintaining a steady eye contact with your audience helps build a rapport, and makes you appear less shifty. Remember to take breaks in between maintaining eye contact, lest you appear to be staring. Looking at someone constantly, for an extended period of time could be interpreted as aggressive, but mostly it would be interpreted as creepy!
Body Language Mistakes #2 – A Weak Handshake:
Body Language Mistakes #3 – Exaggerated Gestures:
Body Language Mistakes #4 – Bad Posture:
Body Language Mistakes #5 – Fidgeting:
Constantly fidgeting or fixing your hair/clothes, et al., makes you appear as though you are anxious, nervous, overly self-conscious or distracted. The nervous energy would definitely be visible to the onlooker(s) and succeed in doing the very opposite of what you intended to, distract them instead of holding their attention.
Being aware and conscious of your body language, and working on it is an effort worth making. Be it your professional, or personal life, your body language is something that will always create a lasting impression. It reflects your maturity, professionalism and confidence and speaks a great deal about how you carry yourself. After all, it is the language you speak with, without even speaking a word. Like Peter Guber says,
“Language is a more recent technology. Your body language, your eyes, your energy will come through to your audience before you even start speaking.”
What do you think ? What are the other big body language blunders that we consciously or unconsciously make ? We would love to hear back from you.
And here is a bonus : We came across this powerful Ted Talk by Amy Cuddy, a renowned social psychologist.who shows how “power posing” – standing in a posture of confidence, even when we don’t feel confident — can affect testosterone and cortisol levels in the brain, and might even have an impact on our chances for success. Check out the high power and low power poses that she demonstrates in the video as well. She shows us that we can actually fake it to become it (yes, no kidding!). Bravo, Amy!