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Five Considerations that can Make or Break your Business Budget – Business Operations Performance Management

Five Considerations that can Make or Break your Business Budget – Business Operations Performance Management

An annual budget is like a map for the business. Miss the directions on the map and you may land up in places best left uncharted. But how do we ensure that the directions on the map are right in the first place? A lot of focus is given on the financial nitty-gritty of the budget and rightly so. But the best financial people can’t create a budget that can be met or exceeded unless business understands and creates the right environment for its success.

Through my experience in creating, tracking and reviewing budgets, I have found that it is important to have the following considerations in mind during the budgeting process to ensure that the final output is something that is realistic enough to not leave you scratching your head wondering what went wrong and where at the end of the financial year :

Consideration #1: What is your starting point? Often people use last year’s budget as a starting point and apply percentages for growth and inflation. In today’s market scenario, that is not a very wise thing to do. Check your run-off rate (orders in the bag or backlog) situation first and then the funnel. Determine the return on investment that you have made in previous year on new products and services that are likely to bear fruit to arrive at the stretch that is possible. Validate your assumptions against the market growth in your segment as well as the trends in the previous year to finally close on the plan for the next year.

Consideration #2: Do you know what your short-term (year ahead) AND long-term (3-5 years) goals are?  While short-term goals for the year are usually determined by your management (could be you) or your investors based on the size of your company and you may not have much say in that, there has to be a built-in plan in your budget for the year(s) after that. What do you need to invest in now in order to ensure that your growth in the long-term is secured? This will have an impact on the margins target for the current year and hence an important consideration on where you want to allocate your available money in this year’s budget.

Consideration #3: Is your team ready and enthused?  This by itself is the single most important factor that could make or break your budget in my view. Has the budget creation process been a participatory one with the key members of your team involved, engaged and aligned to the goals in the budget? Are they enabled enough to drive the growth or manage the costs as needed? Are they willing to collaborate and support each other to make the year a success? It all boils down to the culture that is prevalent in the organization – no budget can be met if your team is not ready.

Consideration #4: What is your Plan B? There has to be enough provisions in your budget to allow for changes midway if things don’t turn out as expected (Murphy’s law again – what can go wrong will go wrong). Also the budget should be created in such a way that it remains a “living” budget – to be able to move around a few allocations for investments areas and growth areas based on performance trends during the year without affecting the target business metrics.

Consideration #5: Are your systems and processes ready? Break down the budget into tasks with timelines, identifying the stakeholders best suited for each task, aligning existing processes and designing new processes and metrics to ensure sustainability IN ADVANCE. Assign accountability within the organization not just at the senior levels but right up to the front-line staff to ensure everyone knows and is signed up for the budget.  This helps in providing a clear line of sight for achieving the budget while building confidence in the budget within the organization itself. Review your systems  (including approval mechanisms and dashboards) to ensure that you have every tool you need to monitor the progress on your budget.

If we can incorporate the thinking above along with rigorous financial planning and analysis, I am confident that the budget would become an enabler to meeting the performance objectives rather than an obstacle as it is commonly perceived.

“Before you start some work, always ask yourself three questions – Why am I doing it, what the results might be and will I be successful. Only when you think deeply and find satisfactory answers to these questions, go ahead.” Chanakya (circa 370- 283 BC)

What factors do you consider when preparing your budgets? What tool or process do you think most helps in successful implementation of a budget? I would love to hear and learn from you.

Five Practices to Get People to Work Together – Entering the Collaboration Zone

Five Practices to Get People to Work Together – Entering the Collaboration Zone

It is tough times for businesses today. Never has it been as important as now to do more with less, share resources and leverage each other’s strengths and get people to work TOGETHER as a single unit to beat the odds. Collaboration is the key to accelerating performance improvements and transformation. Different cultures, working styles and views make any project or initiative that needs collaboration a nightmare.

It does not have to be that way, though.  With a little bit of respect, give-and-take and clear communication, collaboration can become a reality.  Here are five behaviors to get people to work together that if put into practice will align individual performers into a high performance cohesive team ready to take on any challenge:

Get People to Work Together #1: Have One Shared Purpose

Everyone on the team needs to have a shared purpose or goal leaving individual ambitions or personal agendas aside. Before starting on a project or mission, decide what the primary motive for collaboration is and what needs to be achieved when. Pull your weight, give it your best effort and be mindful about deadlines and commitments.

Get People to Work Together #2: Treat Each Other With Respect –

Treat each other with respect. Allow different views to come on the table giving each view equal consideration before collectively agreeing on the best course of action. Listen, participate and contribute. Give value to get value.

Get People to Work Together #3: Share Credit –

Don’t be an appreciation hog and shy away from giving appreciation where it is due. Be quick to praise and slow to blame. Aim for visibility of the group efforts and not just of your own. As Harry Truman said – It is amazing how much you can accomplish when it doesn’t matter who gets the credit.

Get People to Work Together #4: Let go of the “I” –

You may be an expert and know just the right way to get things done but that’s not what is wanted here. Let go of your ego and consider what the right way is to proceed as a team. Focus your energies and abilities in competing “outside” rather than “inside”. In-fighting is a sure recipe for failure.

Get People to Work Together #5: Leverage Strengths and Manage Weaknesses –

Leverage strengths and make up for each other’s weaknesses to take your group to levels of success that would not have been possible individually. Spend some time knowing each other’s strengths and weakness – ask questions, share ideas, learn new information, and bounce suggestions off one another. Then, divide responsibilities and set accountabilities so that the right people are on the right jobs and the goal becomes manageable.

What other behaviors have worked to get people to work together and improve collaboration in your organization? What irritates you when you are part of a team? I would love to get your insights.

Pic Courtesy : Tim Fishburne, the Marketoonist.

Five Ways Business Operations Can Drive Strategy – Business Management

Five Ways Business Operations Can Drive Strategy – Business Management

This topic focuses on the role of business operations in Strategy Planning and Implementation. I have spent a considerable part of my career on working in and evolving the role of business operations – while many people do understand that operations plays a major role in the implementation of strategy, very few actually realize that business operations can drive strategy.

Business Operations (see definition in Wiki) is often perceived as tactical with little or nothing to do with strategy (have heard the role referred to as back-end, boring, clerical – you get the drift). On the contrary, nothing could be farther from reality – given value, authority and attention, operations can make a significant impact on building your strategic plan and ensuring that it does not remain only at a planning stage on beautifully presented slides.

Here are five ways that Business Operations can drive Strategy – tried and tested many times through my long operations career:

Driver #1:  Leading Indicators

Dashboards, Metrics, and Reports are all in a day’s work for an operations team. While the main purpose of operational dashboards are to track, analyze and improve lagging indicators like earned revenue, margins, costs, attrition, quality etc, they could be a rich source of leading indicators and levers for strategic decisions. Sales pipeline, say prospective customer requests for Information/proposals – RFIs/RFPs – can help predict market demand. Sales conversion cycles can be used to predict future revenues and the best times to hire or invest in new strategies. Customer Satisfaction scores can be used to determine target market segments. Margins broken into per product/offering or per customer can be used to arrive at the most likely to be successful offer/product strategy. The operations team can link metrics to strategic planning as they are closest to defining measures and setting the targets.

Driver #2: Predictive, Proactive Data

The business operations team is your best source of data and analysis of historical and current trends to predict the future.  What products and services can be released, whether they will be successful, whether customer base will expand or shrink based on a strategic decision, or whether investments will pan out as desired – all these critical elements of the strategic plan can be vetted by good quality data organized with a high level of granularity. A year-long data strategy is a must for the successful creation of any plan that depends on trends. The operations team is usually the best fit to be the repository of such data given their engagement in and their understanding of the complete business cycle.

Driver # 3: Test Launches

The Operations team can help vet Strategy Plans before it is put into full-scale action. Think of the operations team as a well-oiled engine with hands-on people and defined processes to handle painlessly all situations that could arise. Use this team to test launch in a small way your “dream” because it is in the operation cycles that innovative ideas can get a reality check on whether the idea/strategy can actually transform profits and further sustain the business.

Driver #4: Mapping Operational Vision

A Good Strategy Plan will always entail some level of organizational transformation, a shift from business as usual to unchartered territories. The Operations team can assist in creating a map with directions to these territories – clear communication is critical to the success of strategy. Breaking the strategic plan into tasks with timelines, identifying the stakeholders best suited for each task, aligning existing processes and designing new process to ensure sustainability, assigning accountability within the organization – all help in providing a clear line of sight for achieving the strategy while building confidence in the strategy within the organization itself.

Driver # 5: Implementation

Here is where strategy boils down to business results.  Using all or some of the factors above, one can come up with a great strategy plan, but that does not mean the plan would be successful. Citing Murphy’s Law, anything that could go wrong usually does. The business operations team drives the successful outcome by tracking all aspects of the strategy plan while ensuring that there is no impact on business as usual activities. Skilled operational leaders can translate the strategic dreams into tangible business results.

No one knows the inter-dependencies between people, process and opportunities better than the business operations team in an organization. So why not leverage this team to create fool-proof strategies?

How have you applied innovation into your business operations ? Do you tap this team in your strategic planning process ? Would love to hear from you.

Five Secret Killers of Company Growth – Business Operations Performance Management

Five Secret Killers of Company Growth – Business Operations Performance Management

I have been a part of and have observed many start ups and big organizations on their growth trajectories. It is interesting to see how some businesses outperform themselves year on year while others suddenly start declining and eventually die. How and why does this happen ? What are the major Killers of Company Growth ?

Here are some of my thoughts and supporting images from Tom Fishburne, THE Marketoonist :

Growth Killer # 1 : Goals (or Lack of) – A company needs a clearly defined goal to bind the team together for consistent efforts towards success. This may be an obvious fact, but very few companies drum the goal into the hearts and minds of their people every opportunity they get – Vision is important but not as important as the Mission. State your mission, define it clearly and revisit it every chance you get.

Growth Killer # 2 : Hierarchy (or too much of) – While organization charts are important to set a structure to the company, it becomes very limiting when bureaucracy sets in and meritocracy is overlooked especially in today’s dynamic business environment. If every new idea or initiative has to go through ten layers of approval and justification, people just stop having bright ideas and acting on them.

Growth Killer # 3 : Square pegs in Round holes (or vice versa) – You land into this performance killer when you start a dangerous trend of creating positions for people and not finding people for positions (right fits). You then have great people in completely wrong roles – is it a wonder that they are not great contributors to your growth trajectories anymore ?

Growth Killer # 4 : Fear (or Risk Averseness) : Where there is a culture of fear, no matter how much you motivate or engage your people, they definitely will not step up or out of their comfort zones. It is as important to encourage “mistakes” as it is to reward successes. Companies need to create an environment where people are not afraid to give and be their best and to challenge the status quo else you can just say bye-bye to growth.

Growth Killer # 5 : Metrics (or the wrong ones) : As often said, what cannot be measured cannot be improved. But it is critical to keep figuring out the right metrics for your company (derived from your Goal). Are you measuring your sales opening ratios or just your closing ratios, your investment in R&D/new offering or only your profitability ? Measuring the “Right” Metrics is critical so that the long-term growth goals are not sacrificed at the altar of short-term profitability.

What do you think matters most for a company to keep growing ? What are your views on the Killers of Company Growth ? What goals are you planning for your company in the year ahead  ? Would love to hear your take.