Salary Negotiation Tips – Talking Numbers – Part I

Now that you have cleared the initial interviews, what comes next? The next step, and perhaps the most crucial one is negotiating your salary. Here comes the step when you need to sell yourself in order for the employer to recognize your worth! Before you start talking numbers though, make sure you have established that you would indeed be a resourceful addition to the company. This way, negotiating your salary becomes easier. They would be willing to go the extra mile, to match your expectations and get you on-board.

  • Always ask for some time to consider

    If we get a job offer which we have been waiting for, for the longest time, saying “YES!” immediately can hardly be called an impulse. However, after the initial elated moment, breathe, and then ask for some time to consider the offer. This time that you ask for is when you do your homework about how much you think you should be offered as against what you have been offered. Do your math and get back to them.

  • Always let them quote the numbers first

    During salary negotiations, it is always best to let your prospective employers quote the numbers first. This spares you the mistake of quoting a salary too high or too low. Also, what one must be careful about is, this is the exact same trick the other side employs during the salary negotiation. Have an expectation in mind, but wait to respond.

  • Deciding a base salary:

    Use websites like,,,, to help decide the appropriate base salary for the job position being offered to you. Ask colleagues or relatives who might have prior experience. The base you decide is crucial and that is what you would build on. Ensure a realistic and comfortable amount. Not too low, not sky-high.

  • Know your Strengths and Differentiators:

    This is what career coach Lisa Quast’s (contributor at, advice is -“What makes you special and unique from everyone else? Conduct a personal SWOT (Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats) analysis to understand your differentiators and the special skills or experiences that make you a more valuable employee. Ensure you have these differentiators written down, as this information can then be used as leverage to negotiate a higher starting salary with the hiring manager.”

  • Selling yourself:

    As clichéd as this may sound, we all know this is the age of survival of the one who is able to persuade the best. Once you have done your homework about how much you ought to be paid, convince your employer that you deserve it. Mention your accomplishments and work experience, highlight relevant achievements and gather credible references. Make yours a strong case.

Tune in for our next post which talks a little more about talking numbers and being on the top of the salary negotiation game! We have exactly what you want!

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