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Chase Away Them Monday Blues! – Ten Inspiring Quotes by our Favourite Famous People

Chase Away Them Monday Blues! – Ten Inspiring Quotes by our Favourite Famous People

We’ve all had that feeling first thing Monday morning, wondering where the weekend has gone and how it can already be the start of the working week. The infamous Monday Blues, that dreaded feeling that the working week has just started and it’s the longest possible point until the start of the weekend again. Fortunately, it’s not all bad – before you know it we will be at Friday again! But until that blessed day arrives and you need  some inspiration at this very moment, then do check out this blog.

Here is our list of top 10 inspirational quotes (arranged in no particular order) to help get you motivated on even the dullest of Monday mornings. Please feel free to comment, like and share to help others suffering with the Monday Blues!

INSPIRATIONAL QUOTE #1: Rise up and attack the day with enthusiasm!

“Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory.” – George S. Patton

INSPIRATIONAL QUOTE #2: It’s a day to start something new, a day full of hope.

“With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

INSPIRATIONAL QUOTE #3: Keep the faith and you’ll see the magic.

“Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” – Theodore Roosevelt

INSPIRATIONAL QUOTE #4: Monday opens up the week for many opportunities.

“What you do today can improve all your tomorrows.” – Ralph Marston

INSPIRATIONAL QUOTE #5: It’s a day meant for winning, not quitting.

“If you believe in yourself and have dedication and pride – and never quit, you’ll be a winner. The price of victory is high but so are the rewards.” – Paul Bryant

INSPIRATIONAL QUOTE #6: It’s an opportunity to become a better version of yourself.

“Don’t wish it were easier. Wish you were better.”– Jim Rohn

INSPIRATIONAL QUOTE #7: It’s a step towards turning your dreams into a reality.

“A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work.” – Colin Powell

INSPIRATIONAL QUOTE #8: It’s a fresh start, embrace it.

“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” – Arthur Ashe

INSPIRATIONAL QUOTE #9: That’s right, keep going and you’ll score big!

“Don’t watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going.” – Sam Levenson

INSPIRATIONAL QUOTE #10: Monday is not a doomsday, you will be alive to see Tuesday!

“Never complain and never explain.” – Benjamin Disraeli

We get it, Monday blues are the worst! The dreadful 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. routine begins again and there are times when even a cup of your favorite extra strong cappuccino fails to create it’s magic! On such gloomy days, it may seem as though inspiration is miles away. But we’ll let you in on a little secret, inspiration is never miles away, it is always right there. All we need to do is to push ourselves to reach out and as our motto is in OBOlinx – Be Happy in The Now!

And we hope if today is one of those monotonous and uninspiring days for you, then this post comes in handy. Let us know which one of these is your favorite and if we’ve missed out on any other amazing quotes.

5 Things Characters from Game of Thrones teach us about the World of Work

5 Things Characters from Game of Thrones teach us about the World of Work

With all that rage about the incredibly popular series –Game of Thrones, we thought it would be creative to put together a post about what the series teaches us about the world of work! We hope you enjoy reading it, as much as we enjoyed putting it together.

1. Tyrion Lanister – Knowledge gives you mileage.

It wouldn’t be too far-fetched to say that Tyrion Lanister in the series is an embodiment of knowledge, and worldly wisdom. One of the most admirable qualities (despite possessing some not-so-admirable qualities) he possesses is that of being well read, which has, time and again helped him out of sticky situations. The best lesson his character teaches us is, even if people judge you unkindly, or based on “outwardly appearances”, if you are smart enough, you can take all of that in your stride. We all know how often one needs to deal with situations like that in the world of work.

2. Daenerys Stormborn – Don’t micromanage everything, Delegate!

Well yes. She is all about woman power and how one can truly break away from oppressive gender stereotypes. Now that we’ve given her credit for that, let’s face it how her character is far from perfect. Her need to micromanage has more often than not landed her in trouble. If only she would just heed the counsel and the help coming her way. Something that we need to remember everyday, in the world of work – that your need to micromanage everything will only retard your efficiency.

3. Jaimie Lanister  – Never let your disabilities weigh you down.

We’ve watched this character evolve across a period of six seasons. And of all the lessons to be learnt from him, the finest is the fact that he never let his disability of not possessing an arm become an excuse for anything. When we apply it to the world of work, we mean it in a much broader sense, that no matter what your problem is, there still will be a way to work around it and deliver nothing but your best!

4. Lord Varys – Never let an opportunity pass you by.

Varys in the series has proven to be an extremely resourceful and capable character. Most of it because of the amazing capacity he seems to have to be able to focus on what needs to be done, and to get it done in the most efficient manner. His trait of being a thorough opportunist is something we all could try and learn from, especially in the world of work. Being mindful, and aware pays. You will never let an opportunity to slip by.

5. Joffrey – Well, we all know how that story went.

Of the King who really thought he was King, until he was slayed (Aside: if Tyrion didn’t poison him, who did?!).
Joffrey has probably been one of the cruelest characters in the series. The circumstance of his murder is testament to the fact that nobody likes a horrible boss! Some food for thought, eh?

Like this post a whole lot? Tell us you do and maybe we’ll put together another one with a similar interpretation of some more of your favorite characters!

Practicing the “Miracle of Mindfulness” at Work

Practicing the “Miracle of Mindfulness” at Work

What does being “mindful” mean? Very simply put, it means being aware, being present in the moment. Or like our favorite phrase at OBOlinx, it simply means being “Happy in the Now.” In our endless pursuit for success, and achievement of goals in the world of work, we focus more on achieving the end result, rather than on the journey to get closer to our goals. Being mindful means to invest all our focus in the present moment, and not in the future. Practicing the miracle of mindfulness at work means to realize that it is only when we start moulding ourselves to become more ‘process’ oriented, instead of being ‘result’ oriented that we will succeed in being ‘happy in the now’.

The phrase, ‘Miracle of Mindfulness’ is a book by the Zen Master, and Vietnamese Buddhist monk Thich Naht Hanh. In this book, he speaks about how practicing mindfulness in everything you do can help you truly evolve and grow as a person. We thought it would be worthwhile to adapt the meaning of mindfulness in terms of our professional lives. Hence, this post is an attempt to capture what practicing mindfulness at work might entail.

1. Breathing

Before we aspire to take charge of anything, we must aspire to first take charge of how we breathe. He says in his book, “breath is the bridge which connects life to consciousness, which unites your body to your thoughts.” To utilize our potential fully, in the professional realm, the foremost thing we need to accomplish is to bind our dispersed thoughts together. This is possible only when we are mindful of how we breathe. In our fast paced lives, we are always anywhere else but where we actually are. Our mind is constantly taking flight – which is possible only when we permit it to do so.

By being conscious of our breath we are able to bring our minds back to the immediate task at hand. We have all forgotten how to breathe, these days we breathe to survive and not to live. Begin by practicing mindful breathing for 5 minutes every day, and keep increasing the limit until you teach yourself how to breathe mindfully throughout the day. At work, take frequent 5 minute breaks to do nothing but breathe. And watch the magic of mindfulness unfold.

2. Posture

Mindfulness emerges from your body, as much as it does from your mind and your soul. A prerequisite to practicing mindfulness at work is maintaining good posture. Our posture, especially how we sit while at work influences our productivity beyond an extent we can imagine. For our mind to be alert, aware, and completely at the disposal of the task we sit down to accomplish, our body needs to complement our state of mind. The efficiency and energy with which we pursue our task is determined by the ability of our body to endure it.
In order to be at your productive best, be mindful of your body while at work. Maintain erect posture, take frequent breaks to get up and walk around, and to do a few stretches every now and then. Through this, you will be able to bring your focus back to your task, and control the flow of your thoughts.

3. Being Present

To be present is probably the key to achieving mindfulness, and therefore, could be the hardest thing to achieve. To be present means to be nowhere else, to do nothing else but what the present moment asks of you. Being present means to give your entire being to accomplishing the current task at hand with all your attention, love and care. This beautiful excerpt from the book, “Miracle of Mindfulness”, will illustrate how one can practice being present, and how it guides you to be ‘happy in the now’!

“…we sat under a tree and shared a tangerine. He began to talk about what we would be doing in the future. Whenever we thought about a project that seemed attractive or inspiring, Jim became so immersed in it that he literally forgot about what he was doing in the present. He popped a section of tangerine in his mouth and, before he had begun chewing it, had another slice ready to pop into his mouth again. He was hardly aware he was eating a tangerine. All I (I here refers to Thich Naht Hanh) had to say was, “You ought to eat the tangerine section you have already taken.” Jim was startled into realizing what he was doing. It was as if he hadn’t been eating the tangerine at all. If he had been eating anything, he was “eating” his future plans.”

To be able to be mindful at work, focus more on living in the present and doing only one thing at a time. Pursue it dutifully before moving on to the next task, or before planning for your future. This is the only secret you need to unlock to be happy in the now – embracing the present moment, and being your productive best in each moment.

4. Discipline

This aspect of practicing mindfulness at work is inextricably linked to the previous factor of “being present”. It is only when you live in the moment and for the moment that you gain the strength and the discipline to tether your mind and move single mindedly towards your goals.

To illustrate what this means, Thich Naht Hanh uses the metaphor of washing dishes.

“While washing the dishes one should be completely aware of the fact that one is washing the dishes. At first glance, that might seem a little silly: why put so much stress on a simple thing? But that’s precisely the point. The fact that I am standing there and washing these bowls is a wondrous reality. I’m being completely myself, following my breath, conscious of my thoughts and actions. There’s no way I can be tossed around mindlessly like a bottle slapped here and there on the waves.”

How do we incorporate this metaphor into the world of work? Well, it is simple. Make discipline your motto. And seek discipline in every act you pursue. It could be something seemingly insignificant like filing papers, or something which appears to be more life/career defining like a proposal presentation. No matter what the action is, invest the same amount (i.e., maximum) of discipline into every task you take on.

To Sum it Up

Being mindful is a means and an end at the same time. To practice being mindful at work means to channelize the highest levels of energy within yourself towards a purpose you have chosen for yourself. It could also work in the reverse manner, i.e., being mindful at work could help you realize your true calling and purpose in life. A win-win situation, isn’t it?
Are you still wondering what mindfulness is? To sum everything we’ve said before this, in the words of Thich Nhat Hanh –
“Mindfulness is the miracle by which we master and restore ourselves. It is the miracle which can call back in a flash our dispersed mind and restore it to wholeness so that we can live each minute of life.”
What are your stories of mindfulness at work ? We would love to hear about them!

Being a boss your team wouldn’t want to let down – Leadership Matters

Being a boss your team wouldn’t want to let down – Leadership Matters

Now that’s a tough one, right? Not just how to be a “good” boss, but how to be a boss your team would never want to let down! Let’s state at the outset that very few bosses are able to find a place in that hall of fame. What makes it tough to be that kind of boss is maintaining very firmly, the delicate balance between being an amazing human being and a strict task master. The good news though is that it really isn’t all that tough to be that person. Thinking about it through these five key elements would probably set you off on a path to practice being that boss!

1. Lead

In one of our previous posts, we spoke about how to be a leader and not a boss. While all bosses can boss, only few bosses can lead. While a boss directs you, a leader empowers you and leads you by example. Your team sticks with you not just because they don’t have any other option, but because they like being in “your” team and they like learning with you. To be a leader to your team, is to exude a personality and a confidence which inspires and motivates your team to always go that extra mile.

2. Trust

Reposing trust in your team is a pre-requisite for your team to repose their trust in you. Trust is one of the most fundamental enablers. When you trust your team, there is an understanding that you have enough confidence in their ability to deliver. One of the most powerful methods of ensuring accountability, is in fact by investing trust in your team. This succeeds in acting as motivation for your team to take total ownership and meet your expectations.

3. Care

Why should being a boss, and in charge, pose as a conflict to your ability to be a good human being, who understands the larger dimensions of being in charge? When you are in charge of a team, you are not only in charge of ensuring the deliverables are met, but also in making sure that you help your team through the odds they may face in achieving those deliverables – which at times may even extend beyond the professional realm. At times, you may have to exercise discretion to figure how far you can really go. To care for your team is to make them feel valued, and secure – a quality that can change all that is wrong in the world of work.

4. Encourage

Not just for the sake of increasing productivity, or during appraisals – but make it a part of who you are as a person. Encouragement can be in many forms – it could be a few words, it could be a smile, it could be just an approving nod or a gesture. While it wouldn’t cost you anything, you never know how it may infuse someone with the energy he/she really needs.

5. Laugh

Be the boss who makes the work environment seem lighter. Wear a smile as often as you can, and laugh with your team as often as you can. Invest at least thirty minutes connecting with your team, sharing and laughing with them. The effect would be almost therapeutic – for you and for your team, resulting in a sense of cohesiveness which ultimately motivates your team to deliver the best.
To be a boss your team can’t let down, you’ve got to start by practicing all the qualities that you would like to see in a person you think you won’t ever be able to disappoint – and then, become that person! Let go of your need to invoke fear and hence get the work done (a tactic most commonly used by employers), and become someone who invokes the best in your team, simply by being all that you want to see in your team mates!

Gratitude for People around us at Work

Gratitude for People around us at Work

Caught in a rush of deadlines and projects, the conferences and the appraisals, every day is a struggle at work, and every sent document a sigh of relief. We are often so caught up in our busy work lives that we forget people who work tirelessly, round the clock, putting in longer hours than us and surely receiving lesser incentives than us, to make our jobs easier. Would we be able to spend a day at work without coffee? Doesn’t all hell break loose when there is no Wi-Fi even for a few minutes? God help us if the IT guy chose to take a leave on the very same day! This post is about 5 such people at work, who are definitely way more important than we give them credit for! It is a reminder for all of us that it is nice to be important, but it is MORE important to be nice.


1. The Security Guard

The keeper of the gates indeed! If you think your job is tiring, think about this guy’s job. Getting up every second minute to open the doors to someone, and a part of his job description is also to greet appropriately. Many of us don’t even acknowledge the greeting by as much as making eye contact, let alone returning it verbally. When you smile to acknowledge his greeting, you give him the confidence that he is doing his job well. Doesn’t everyone deserve that? 🙂

2. The “IT Guy”

One of the most important people ever. Virus attacks, problems of the technologically challenged, router fixing – without him, things would come to a grinding halt for sure. We all want our IT problems solved, and we want them to be solved quickly. In that rhythm, we might end up being unintentionally rude to the person who is doing his best to help us. Remember that being polite and courteous will always help you get your work done. Perks of being a nice, polite person!

3. The Cafeteria Staff

Even if the food is horrible, they didn’t cook it. So save the dirty looks and the rude comments for someone who might actually be responsible. Remember that they don’t even get to sit while they work.

4. The Office Boy

Again, one of the most important people. If you are the kind who cannot function without tea or coffee at regular intervals, you better be nice to this person. Don’t forget that this resourceful person actually saves you a lot of other errands as well, so that you can concentrate on your work.

5. The Photocopy In-Charge

In our hurry to get the photocopies, we actually forget at times that the person doing it for us is a human being and not a machine himself! We are going to repeat what we said earlier – “Remember that being polite and courteous will always help you get your work done. Perks of being a nice, polite person!”

Gratitude is an attitude that will truly take you a long way. It is easy to ignore or take for granted people we assume will always be there, or people we assume are not important. It is these small, yet meaningful gestures which define us as individuals, which make us human. So, no matter how busy you are, how stressed you are, remember to acknowledge the people who serve you tirelessly throughout the day, it can’t be that hard to just smile now, can it? 🙂

5 Ways to End Your Day for A Super Productive Next Day

5 Ways to End Your Day for A Super Productive Next Day

There are ways in which you can begin your day to make it super productive. There are also ways in which you can end your day to celebrate your productivity. The latter paves way for a super productive next day. These changes in your lifestyle don’t cost anything and don’t take up much time. What they do is, make a world of difference to your happiness levels and your productivity.

  1. Express gratitude

    Think about all the good things that have come your way today. Even if it wasn’t the best day of your life. Find one thing that you feel grateful, or privileged about, dwell on it and experience the warmth and comfort of that feeling. Be thankful for everything that has come your way and everything that you have consciously worked towards. Expressing gratitude is the best thing you can do to pave way for more moments to be grateful for.

  2. Make a to-do list for tomorrow

    Keep a journal and jot down what you would like to accomplish tomorrow. Take into consideration the kind of tasks you are setting for yourself and if you will be able to accomplish them in the given period of time. Set practical goals and work towards achieving them. This way, when you end the next day you will have a clear idea of the progress you’ve made.

  3. Connect with your partner

    Connect with your partner, or a loved one and tell them how important they are for you and how grateful you are to be able to share your life with them. Switch off from work completely (yes – hide that smartphone away from yourself). Give yourself and your loved ones your full attention. Besides the obvious rewards this will bring your way, you will also be refreshed and recharged for a productive next day.

  4. Set things in place for the next morning

    Decide what you want to wear, what you are having for breakfast, arrange your work materials and your lunch ingredients. These are simple things that you must always take care at the end of the day so that they don’t eat into your mornings which have the potential to be the most productive time of your day.

  5. Let go and accept 

    If it hasn’t been one of your best days, tell yourself that it is okay. Accept what happened and let go. If it bothers you a lot, write it out or speak about it to someone but do not let it affect a day which is yet to begin. Make sure you go to sleep with a clear mind and conscience, so that when you are up the next morning, you are all set to take on the world!

It is amazing how doing the simplest things can tap into an inner source of productivity we never even knew existed. Even if the day hasn’t been the happiest, or the most productive, make a conscious effort to end it well. Clear out the feelings of dissatisfaction, to pave way for a good night’s sleep, and an amazingly productive next day!